Manage Reviewers

Explains how Manual Review can fit into your quality control process, build your review panel, and invite and add reviewers.

Managing Reviewers
You can setup any user in Appraisal Firewall to be a Reviewer in the system for a division. A reviewer is someone that you designate who performs Q...
Mon, 16 Aug, 2021 at 6:24 PM
Manual Reviewer User Training Guide
As a manual reviewer, you will periodically be assigned real estate appraisals to review for quality assurance and accuracy. Use this guide to become famili...
Wed, 2 Aug, 2023 at 3:04 PM
Review Panel Setup: Anyone can be a Reviewer...
You can give the Reviewer capabilities to any user in the system so they can act as a Manual Reviewer for your company. The user will then have dual roles i...
Wed, 2 Aug, 2023 at 3:07 PM
Setting up Controlled Rotation for a Reviewer
The Reviewers that are on your panel will be able to be assigned review assignments for the specified division. If you have Auto-assign reviewer en...
Mon, 16 Aug, 2021 at 6:17 PM