You can setup any user in Appraisal Firewall to be a Reviewer in the system for a division. A reviewer is someone that you designate who performs Quality Control (QC) on your appraisal reports when the appraiser delivers them but before they are made available to the user that ordered them.

Reviewers on your panel are responsible to manually review and approve every report uploaded under this division. Supervisors and Originators will not have access to reports until they have been approved by a reviewer. A reviewer can be either existing users in the system or outside of your organization (3rd party). You can add numerous reviewer users to a division and have a "reviewer panel" that is used to rotate through and assign review work to.

You can add reviewer users to your organization per division by clicking the Manage Reviewers button.

Click the Invite Reviewer button, and in the email field, enter the email address of the person you want to add as a reviewer to this division. This can be a user that is already setup in the system, or it can be a brand-new user to the system.

If the user is an existing user, they will be immediately added to your reviewer list for this division.

If the user does not have an account, you can choose to add them as a Lender type of user, or an Appraiser type of user.

Lender users will be sent an email inviting them to create an account under this division.

Appraiser users will be sent an email inviting them to create an account. They will then be added to your reviewer list, but they will not be added as an appraiser to your panel.

Click the button to invite the type of user you prefer to create an account or click Cancel to back out of this screen.

If you invite a new user to the system (either Appraiser or Lender User) three things happen: 1) the user is added to your reviewer list as a Pending user, 2) they are sent an email inviting them to create an account, and 3) they are added as a user to your regular user list on the Users tab. When the user signs up, their detail will be viewable when you expand the arrow to the right of the user.

You can remove a reviewer at any time by clicking the red "X" to the left of any reviewer. Doing so confirms that you indeed want to remove them. Click the Approve button to continue with your removal or Cancel to keep the reviewer in your list. Once you add a reviewer or two, you need to enable this division manual reviews.

Note: Adding reviewers to your panel does not enable the reviewer feature. You must enable orders to be assigned to a reviewer using the manual reviewer feature within the Settings window of the division.

Admin Reviewer

If you have numerous reviewers on a division, you can have a reviewer assign review work to other reviewers in your list. This is called an Admin Reviewer. Admin Reviewers are helpful when you have a list, or a panel, of appraisal reviewers. Regular reviewer users cannot perform this function.

To setup an Admin Reviewer, in your list of reviewer users, click the reviewer icon (as shown below), then on the Confirm Action screen, click Approve.

Tracking Reviewer Statistics

Next to the padlock tab, you can view the Statistics tab - the tab with the graph on it. This tab shows you information about the Reviewer's turn times and what the quality of their work is like. You can keep track of this over time to get an understanding of the kind of work they do.

Reviewer Notes

The Notes tab is a great resource for auditing purposes when a Reviewer has been added to a review panel, the user that added said Reviewer to a Manual Review panel, and the date/time which that action occurred. Through the Notes tab, you can also enter comments about the specific Reviewer.

Notes that you enter will only be visible to users within your organization, i.e. other Administrators with access to Relationships. The Reviewer will not be notified of notes entered on their Reviewer profile.