The Reviewers that are on your panel will be able to be assigned review assignments for the specified division. If you have Auto-assign reviewer enabled (which is recommended), Reviewers are assigned appraisals to review based on the date that they were last assigned an appraisal to review. Note that if you are assigning reviewers manually, the auto-assignment logic based on date of last assignment is not used.

If you are using Auto-assign reviewer and want to customize how appraisals are assigned to Reviewers, you can open your reviewer panel and work with the Controlled Rotation for Reviewers, just like you would with appraisers on your panel. See the area highlighted in red below - these are your Controlled Rotation tabs for reviewers.

Move to the padlock tab to begin - this is where you can setup the service area for this Reviewer as well as the types of appraisals you want them to be able to review. Follow these instructions.

1. Expand the Coverage section, then start with the Qualifications section. Use the drop-down menu to Select routing qualifications to limit the types of orders the Reviewer is qualified for. For example, if you only check Rural, this Reviewer will only be assigned appraisal orders that are marked as Rural. You can check as many options as you prefer.

2. When you are done, click the Save Qualifications.

3. If you want to add a service area that the Reviewer should only be available in, click the Add Service Area button.

4. Select a State that you want this Reviewer to be able to review appraisals in. Any states where the subject property matches will then be able to be assigned to this Reviewer.

5. Select a County that you want this Reviewer to be able to review appraisals in. When the subject property of an appraisal matches with the county that you select, the Reviewer will be able to be assigned the order.

6. If you want to really focus in on the areas that the Reviewer can service, enter a zip code here. When the subject property of an appraisal matches with the zip code that you select here, the Reviewer will be able to be assigned the order.

7. When you are ready, click Add. This Reviewer will then only be able to be given review assignments when the subject property matches your settings here.

8. You can add as many service areas here as you like.

9. Next, you can identify which appraisal product or products you want this Reviewer to perform reviews by selecting the Products down arrow to begin.

10. By default, the Include All Products checkbox is checked, meaning that this Reviewer is eligible to review any appraisal product ordered.

11. If you would like to limit appraisal products that a Reviewer can perform QC on, disable the Include All Products checkbox, and individually select the product or products you want this Reviewer to be able to review. For example, if you have a Reviewer that specialized in 1004's, 1004 MC's, and 2055's, you would uncheck the Include All checkbox, then make sure the only checked products are those three.

12. Save your changes.