Your lender may ask you to pay for your appraisal via your credit card. If your lender does this, they may use Appraisal Firewall to securely gather your payment information.

Appraisal Firewall maintains the highest data security standards available. You can rest assured that your information will be handled with absolute privacy and security when you submit your payment information.

When paying for your appraisal, you may receive a series of 2 secure emails. One will notify you that your lender is requesting that you pay for your appraisal, and the second email will contain a secure password to log in to the secure payment portal.

1. The first email you receive includes access to the payment link at the bottom. It may also include the amount that the card will be charged. It will look similar to this:

2. The second email you receive will be the password your lender has assigned to you (for example, it may be the numbers of your street address). Here is a sample of what the email will look like.

When you click the link in the first email, you will be taken to a log in screen where you will be prompted to enter the password sent to you in the second email. The email address shown here is the email address on file at your lender’s office.

The payment portal will make sure that this is a secure login. When your login is approved, you will see this screen.

Fill out the information on this screen. Make sure and complete the required fields that are marked with an asterisk. When all required fields are complete, click the green Submit button.

Once you submit your payment, you will be directed to a page where you can view your receipt or logout.

Payment information will be securely sent to your lender, and upon approval, you will have paid for your appraisal. You will then receive a payment receipt email with a link to your receipt.

When you click the CC Receipt link, you can view detail about the transaction for your records and for comparison on your credit card payments. It will look like the below screenshot. Please note that the amount your card will be charged may not be shown since pricing can change based on the unique circumstances of your loan transaction.

Your card will not be charged until an appraiser accepts the order. Once an appraiser has accepted the order, this will trigger the transaction to go through. On your mobile banking or bank statement, you will see SharperLending/Appraisal Firewall reflected along with the amount. SharperLending/Appraisal Firewall is shown on your statement since Appraisal Firewall is processing the payment on behalf of your lender.