The appraiser that is assigned by your lender to perform the appraisal at your residence may contact you to determine the best day and time that works with your personal schedule. You may receive an email that looks like this.

When you receive this email, you will see a message about scheduling your appraisal inspection. To schedule your inspection, click the link in the enclosed email to “Review Inspection Date and Time.”

A secure web page will open, asking that you confirm your appraisal inspection date. You can either approve one of the dates/times or propose a different time.

Here, you can pick one of three options:

  1. You can keep the preferred date/time for the appraiser.
  2. You can check the checkbox that is at a different time.
  3. You can request an alternate inspection time.

You can also include a message to the appraiser.

When you have made your selection, click the Submit button.

Please note that if you request an alternate inspection time, the appraiser will work with you to confirm the date and time that works best.