Appraisal FirewallX
April 2024 Release Notes

Enhancements Information for Managers

Appraisal FirewallX will be releasing new enhancements on Friday, April 19, 2024. Check out the Release Notes below for more information on our upcoming enhancements.

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Release Notes

  • Store lender-wide messages on borrower payment requests: Create default Canned Messages when requesting payment from the borrower.

  • Differentiated client lists for brokers: Clients’ names listed on the new order screen to ensure brokers are placing orders under the appropriate lender.

  • Auto-enabled copy division settings: Creating a new division conveniently has the Copy Settings From: automatically enabled.

  • Column customizer updates: Appraisal Amount added to the Available Fields options, plus the Available Fields are now alphabetized for easier main dashboard application.

  • Renamed Appraiser Fields to Vendor Fields: Updated the category in Custom Reporting to coincide with Appraisal FirewallX’s variety of product offerings.

  • Commercial and Photo Agent fields added to Custom Reporting: Commercial and Photo Agent fields added to Custom Reporting for expanded data results.