Appraisal FirewallX is Prepared
for ACE+PDR Submissions

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Appraisal FirewallX is fully prepared to submit your Automated Collateral Evaluation (ACE) + Property Data Report (PDR) product directly to Freddie Mac!

Currently, Freddie Mac’s Beyond ACE Application Programming Interface (bACE API) provides feedback messaging to help lenders and data reviewers assess PDRs, assists with applying any necessary updates/changes, and conveniently submits PDRs to Freddie Mac.

Beginning TODAY, any loans with Application Received Dates of April 1, 2024 or after, the Uniform Property Dataset (UPD) will be required, and PDRs must be submitted using the Beyond ACE (bACE) API. The Freddie Mac Property Dataset (PDR v2.0) will no longer be accepted. For pipeline loans with an Application Received Date prior to April 1, 2024, both the UPD and PDR v2.0 will be accepted.

What We Need from You
Appraisal FirewallX will handle the submission and review process for your convenience. Our teams are prepared to assist you to guarantee zero delay in PDR submissions.

We need assistance with gathering your Freddie Mac Seller ID and Seller Name, so that we can submit your PDRs to Freddie Mac. If you have not already done so, please fill out the Seller/AMC Relationship form to process the submission request.

NOTE:  when prompted to provide the Appraisal FirewallX "AMC" information, please enter the AMC Name as "Xactus Appraisal FirewallX" and our AMC Email Address as

Once your Seller IDs and Seller Names have been assigned by Freddie Mac, please send your Seller ID and Seller Name to so our teams can complete the submission setup process.