The Appraisal Firewall and Byte integration allows for documents to be passed between platforms without needing to be in both interfaces simultaneously. To check if the order has any updates, the user can access the order in Byte. Select the Retrieve Update button. Please note: Retrieval can be triggered at any time. 

Once the retrieval has been triggered, the following documents (if available) will be returned from Appraisal Firewall: 

  • Appraisal Report PDF
  • AIR Certification
  • UCDP SSR Output
  • FHA EAD SSR Output
  • Appraisal Firewall System Generated Invoice
  • Current Status of the Order
    • Note: If the order status is "Done" in Appraisal Firewall at the time retrieval occurs, the System Generated Invoice will automatically be imported into Byte.