Residential orders that have been placed or changed to bidding orders can be altered to remove the bidding process changing the order back to the rotation process. From the Parties tab, select Change to Rotation

An overlay will appear asking which type of rotation you would like to place the order in: Manually Assign or Auto-Assign Appraiser

Choosing Manually Assign will allow you to select an individual appraiser, eligible for assignment from your panel. The Assign Appraiser button will be immediately available, so you can assign the order without further delay. Selecting Auto-Assign will trigger the order to rotate through your panel of appraisers, beginning with the next appraiser up in the rotation.  If Close is selected, the user will be taken back to the Parties tab. 

Once the change to rotation selection has been implemented, bid cancelled notifications will be sent to all appraisers that were initially sent a bid request. All order activities will align with the selected assignment at the time of the rotation change.