To ensure you have the most current version of the VA appraisal order, select the Retrieve VA Updates button. This will import any updates, i.e., data, relevant documents, etc., the VA Portal has posted to the order. Please note the Retrieve VA Updates feature will only be accessible on VA appraisal orders in a pre-delivery statusRefer to our Retrieve Updated Appraisal article to learn how to import an updated VA appraisal report.

When the user selects Retrieve VA Updates, this button will provide an overlay asking the user if they want to move forward with the retrieval.  

Selecting Confirm will retrieve any updates available. Once the confirmation occurs, Appraisal Firewall will show real-time updates, logging into the VA portal and retrieving the most current data and/or documents from the VA Portal. Choosing Close will direct the user back to the Communications Log.