By default, appraisers can enter their own price for the appraisal reports they provide for you. You optionally can set a maximum fee pricing so that appraisers can enter their fees up to your maximum allotment on appraisal products. Using this maximum fee pricing structure will work in conjunction with Conditional Acceptance, which allows appraisers to accept the order utilizing their own fees. When the appraiser inputs a fee that is under the maximum threshold, the system will automatically bypass the negotiating status, and update the order to Appraiser Accepted. If the appraiser inputs a fee higher than the maximum for the product, the order will remain in a negotiating status until you Accept, Decline, or Counter the conditions. 

You can set maximum fees across the board for all areas (All, All) or enter specific pricing for a specific state, county, or even zip code. You can even set maximum fee pricing for one county and leave other areas for appraisers to name the price. Leave the Pricing section blank if you want to defer to the appraiser's fees for all products in all areas. 

Set a Maximum Fee

By default, the dropdown menu will reflect 'Fixed.' Use the dropdown menu to select Maximum.  In the fee field to the right, enter the maximum fee you want that product type to be set. Once you have established your maximum fee for the product, select SAVE

The next time an appraiser accepts an order meeting the coverage area and product type criteria, the appraiser will be able to enter their fee up to the maximum amount. If the appraiser's fee is under the maximum, the system will automatically approve work to commence on the order, without the necessity of approving, declining, or countering the conditions. 

If the appraiser enters a fee that is greater than the maximum amount allotted, the system will place the order in a 'Negotiating' status until the conditions can be approved, declined, or countered. 

Please note: this process aligns with having Conditional Acceptance enabled on the division. For more information on Conditional Acceptance, check out the Processing Orders section in our General Settings article found HERE