Users with their own VA settings can enter their individual credentials via My Profile. Setting up your own VA credentials within Appraisal Firewall will ensure that any VA orders placed will use your credentials by default. The VA Settings section will retain the your VA email address, VA password, and the VA Secret Key code. Be prepared to have your VA credentials accessible, then follow these steps. 

User Level VA Settings

Login to your Appraisal Firewall account and select the Profile image in the upper left-hand side of the screen. Choose My Profile.

From the My Profile screen, select the VA Settings tab. 

Enter your Email, Password, and Secret Key code in the appropriate fields. Please note: the email address and password are those associated with your VA account, not your Appraisal Firewall account. The Secret Key is the 16-digit code you received during your VA verification setup. To learn more about how to obtain your VA Secret Key code, please check out our Help Center article HERE (add this once the article is built).

After you have entered your credentials, select Verify Credentials & Save

Appraisal Firewall will run a check in the background to verify if the credentials you entered match what the VA Portal has on file. If no error returns, the link has been successfully established. Should the credentials fail to be verified, an error message will be displayed. 

If you do not have your own VA credentials, but your organization is setup with lender-wide VA credentials, check out our Lender Level VA Settings guide for complete instructions on how to successfully setup your organization for VA order placement.