HUD Announces Extension Dates
for FHA Catalyst System

Appraisal Firewall is Ahead of the Pack!


As many of you are aware, HUD has announced that they are postponing the mandatory transition dates for the new FHA Catalyst system from March 13th, 2022, to March 13th, 2023. You can read HUD’s full announcement HERE. Appraisal Firewall is already ahead of the game, as we will be testing alongside the FHA Catalyst team!

What this means for you:
  • FHA EAD submissions will remain exactly how they are today.
  • Results will be returned as they are currently.

Please note, HUD has suspended accepting the FHA Catalyst Authorized Party Registration form, as the form is currently under review. No further action is necessary if you have previously submitted the registration form or have yet to return the registration form. As more information is provided over the next year, we will keep you updated on the transition process.