Register Now
For The New FHA Catalyst System

Appraisal Firewall Will Be Ready For You!

FHA’s new cloud-based software, FHA Catalyst, is quickly approaching the transition period, slated for March 14th, 2022. Through Appraisal Firewall’s direct integration with FHA EAD, our teams have been actively working on getting this new review process in place, so your loan origination process experiences zero disruption.

To ensure your FHA EAD report submission process remains uninterrupted, please complete the included FHA Catalyst Authorized Party Registration Form and submit the completed form to FHA Catalyst. You will only need to complete the top section, FHA Approved Mortgagee Information. SharperLending/Appraisal Firewall has already completed the second section for Authorized Party Information for your convenience.   

Please email this completed form to the FHA Resource Center at with the Subject: FHA Catalyst Authorized Party Registration Form. Once emailed to HUD, please reply to this bulletin email, or contact your representative listed below so that we know your company has submitted their registration. Please note, the cut-off date for report deliveries made prior to March 14th, 2022, will be April 15th, 2022.