As appraisers submit and decline bids, you will continue to receive Bid Received email notifications. Additionally, if all the appraisers you requested bids from respond, you will also continue to receive the Bids All In email notification.

From the Communication Log, select Review Bids.

The list of appraisers you requested bids from will be displayed, along with the bid request status. Bidding statuses will be one of the following:

  • Pending – The appraiser has yet to submit or decline a bid.
  • Accept – The appraiser has provided a bid with an amount and turn time.
  • Declined – The appraiser has declined to provide a bid.
  • Expired – The appraiser did not provide a bid in the allotted timeframe.

Appraiser information can be viewed by expanding the arrow to the left. This allows you to see the name of the appraiser that provided the bid, corresponding with the number assigned on the initial bid request. In the example below, Appraiser1 is Atlas.

Based on the bid submissions you receive; you can award the bid to the appraiser by selecting Accept.

The Review Bid screen will show you the appraiser that has been awarded the bid, the fee, turn time, and appraiser information. Select Accept to complete the order assignment or Cancel to return to the initial Review Bids screen.

A New Request email will be sent to the appraiser awarded the bid, while the appraisers that were not awarded the bid will receive a Bid Cancelled email notification. The Communication Log will reflect the aforementioned activities, along with the appraiser whose bid was approved. Additionally, the order status will update to ‘assigned.’