Save Time Each Month on Appraisal-Related Billing Work

 with Appraisal Firewall

Manager Billing Option to Assist Lenders

Appraisal Firewall offers a service for lenders intended to save you time on your appraisal billing work. If you choose, Appraisal Firewall can invoice you twice a month for completed orders and then pay your appraisers on your behalf twice a month. This service is called the Manager Billing service. This service works in lieu of your company paying your appraisers their fee on each order.

How does the Manager Billing service work?

For appraisal orders completed between the 1st and the 15th of each month, you as the Lender will receive an invoice from SharperLending LLC (the company behind the Appraisal Firewall technology) on or around the 16th day of the month.

This invoice includes a separate attachment containing details of each transaction on the invoice that you are being billed for. Here is a sample.

When is the amount on my invoice due?

Invoices are due Net 15.

  • For invoices dated the 16th of the month (for all appraisals completed between the 1st and the 15th day of the month), SharperLending LLC aka Appraisal Firewall will generate an ACH debit to your account for the full invoiced amount on the last day of the month.
  • For invoices dated the last day of the month (for all appraisals completed the 16th thru the last day of month), SharperLending LLC will generate an ACH debit on the 15th day of the following month.

What does the process look like for paying my appraisers?

We work on a similar timeline for paying your appraisers the amount owed to them: appraisers get paid by SharperLending / Appraisal Firewall twice a month.

  • For appraisals completed and uploaded to the Appraisal Firewall system between the 1st and 15th of each month, payment will be paid to the appraiser on or around the 16th of the month for all appraisals completed in that range.
  • For appraisals completed and uploaded to the Appraisal Firewall system between the 16th and last day of month, they will be paid on or around the 1st of the following month. Each appraiser can opt to be paid via check (default) or ACH credit.