Selecting Credit Card – Request from Borrower will add the following fields to the Order section on the New Order screen: 

  • Borrower Email – Email address for your borrower where the Payment Request email will be sent for the borrower to enter and submit their payment information. This is a required field. 
  • Borrower Password – Password as entered by the user creating the order which will be emailed to the borrower in an email separate from the Payment Request email. Typical Borrower Password example is the last four digits of the borrower’s social security number, i.e. 4567. This is a required field.
  • Message to Borrower – Any message you wish to communicate to the borrower, which is included on the Payment Request email. Example message would be, “Please use the last four digits of your SSN as the password.”

Once the order has been successfully placed, the Communications Log will display the following activity:

When the borrower submits the payment information, the Communication Log will be updated with the Payment Authorization receipt. This receipt will not be a verification of payment. Rather, it is an authorization that the Credit Card is authentic. Additionally, the order will not be assigned to an appraiser until the borrower submits their payment information. 

Opening the Payment Authorization will look like the following, where the last four digits of the Credit Card will be displayed: 

Another location the payment is disclosed for all parties is the Print view from the Property Information (house icon) tab.

Located under the Payment Details heading, the information will display that Appraisal Firewall pays the appraiser directly. Additional information shown is how much the appraiser is charging for the work completed and if any service fees are assessed by the appraiser. In the example below, the appraiser would collect $3. 

The Billing Details tab will also display the party responsible for paying the appraiser. This can be found towards the bottom of the screen. 

When an appraiser accepts the order, this will trigger the transaction to go through, collecting the funds from the Credit Card.   

Once the order is completed, Appraisal Firewall will remit payment to the appraiser. Since Appraisal Firewall is the party responsible for remitting payment, any service fees the appraiser is responsible for paying will automatically be deducted. Payment cycles by Appraisal Firewall occur twice a month. 

  • Orders completed between the 1st and 15th of the month will have payment remitted on or around the 20th of the month.
  • Order completed between the 16th and End of the month will have payment remitted on or around the 5th of the following month.