Appraisal Firewall Enhancements Scheduled for
Friday Morning, October 1st, 2021

Send Direct Messages to VA Appraisers! Release Information for Lenders

Starting Friday morning, October 1st, 2021, a new version of Appraisal Firewall will be available for you. This release allows you to send and receive messages from VA appraisers through Appraisal Firewall! Now all your communication with VA appraisers are tracked directly within Appraisal Firewall.

VA Appraiser Messaging

Messaging the VA appraiser assigned to your VA appraisal order typically occurred outside of the VA Portal. This process, while necessary, was cumbersome and challenging to keep all your communications for each VA order organized. Appraisal Firewall now offers the Appraiser as an available recipient when sending a message on a VA order. These messages are emailed directly to the VA appraiser assigned to your order. Once the VA appraiser receives your message, that VA appraiser can respond directly back through Appraisal Firewall. Messaging is tracked on the Communication Log within the order, aiding in tracking and streamlining your loan origination process.  

How To Use This Feature:

Within a VA order, select Send Message on the right. Appraiser will be the default recipient.

Compose your message, add any attachments, and select Send Message at the bottom of the screen to send your message to the VA appraiser. Your message will be shown on the Communication Log. Any VA appraiser responses will be posted on the Communication Log, keeping all communication on your VA order tracked in one place.

Sending messages to the VA appraiser will also be available for your managed users, while continuing to remain compliant.