If you have an interest in any properties that are in the path of natural disasters, we can help you quickly assess any potential property damage or issues.  The Verisite mobile property inspection app can get you instant photos and current condition information without having to leave your office.

  • Current exterior property pictures and descriptions
  • Current interior property pictures and descriptions
  • Current lot information
  • And more!

Use Verisite to get peace of mind during natural disaster season so you know what’s happening with properties in your portfolio.

Getting Started
Verisite is included in your Appraisal Firewall account. To get started, you can simply place a Verisite order, enter the mobile number of the borrower, and send them a request for property information. Or, you can have a realtor, appraiser, or office admin that’s near to the property provide you with the data you need.

Verisite is available on the Apple App Store, and on the Google Play store for Android devices.


Added Peace of Mind: FEMA Monitoring
With Appraisal Firewall’s FEMA Monitoring solutions, you can instantly know if any collateral properties are in a declared disaster area.

  • Know instantly if any collateral properties may be in a disaster zone.
  • Track and monitor properties in the date range of your choosing.
  • Enable monitoring on individual orders, automatically have all orders added to the FEMA Watchlist, or provide a series of addresses that you want monitored.

Have questions?  Call or email today and we can assist.