Verisite Property Inspections Available Soon in the Appraisal Firewall-Encompass Interface


 We are pleased to announce that our Verisite property inspection tools will soon be available to those of you that use the Encompass LOS interface to Appraisal Firewall!  Later this month, you will be able to place Verisite requests as well as your residential appraisal requests right from within your familiar LOS.  We are targeting mid-March 2019 to update the integration.

Once we update the integration in Encompass, when you select the Appraisal Firewall integration, you will now be presented with the option to order either a Residential appraisal, or a Verisite property inspection order.

Based on your selection, you will either be taken to the Residential appraisal order screen, or the Verisite order screen.

What’s so exciting about this?
The addition of Verisite to the Encompass interface expands the types of products you can order beyond just residential appraisals. You can now place property inspection orders as well, and have the reports delivered back into Encompass.

What do I need to do to get started?
There is nothing you need to do within Encompass to get started.  If you are setup for Verisite in Appraisal Firewall, this new order screen selection will automatically be available for you and your users.  Contact Tiffany Saraceno today to get started with Verisite if you haven’t already: (509)324-3509, or

How does Verisite work?
Verisite orders connect Appraisal Firewall with our Verisite app for mobile devices. When you place an order for a Verisite property inspection, you determine which rooms and other aspects of the property you want photos and descriptions of.

The order is then sent to the Verisite mobile app and to the person (or, Photo Agent) you want to provide the property inspection data – such as borrowers, appraisers, inspectors, loan assistants, realtors, etc.  The Photo Agent then takes interior and exterior property photos and descriptions of the property, compiles photos and descriptions, then sends the data back to Appraisal Firewall.  Appraisal Firewall then generates the Verisite output which is sent back into Encompass for your LOs.