Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Reviews?
The Appraisal Scorecard can help.

Appraisal reviews. Every lender does it. Because every lender knows the value of reviewing the competency of a subject’s appraisal.

No two processes are the same.  But all lenders need geographic competency in their reviews to deliver faster appraisals for their borrowers. Cutting down review times to get accurate appraisals done faster can make the difference between a borrower referring you to their friends and family, or not.
How can you make sure your reviews are done faster and more accurately?  Ask these quick questions about your review process:
  1. Is there an automated review in place?
  2. If there is, do the auto-review results provide staff with routing suggestions for what to do with the results?
  3. Are your reviews completed in the same system that your appraisals are?
  4. If needed, can your appraisers look at the review results quickly?
If you answered No to any of these, your staff could be spending precious time on a cumbersome workflow, allowing Underwriting to find issues that may have been caught and fixed earlier in the process. Interested in a quick tune up?

We’d love to show how our Appraisal Scorecard review tool accomplishes all of these (and lots more) to ensure fast, accurate reviews and reduce review delays.

Contact me, Tiffany Saraceno now for a closer look: (509) 324-3509, or
Watch a video to learn more
Review the Appraisal Scorecard in-depth