Photo Agents use the Verisite mobile property inspection app to gather current property information to send to their lender to evaluate properties. Information includes pictures and descriptive text that help lenders get a fast, accurate picture of the current property condition.

Follow these instructions to use the Verisite mobile property inspection app on your mobile device.

Installing the Verisite App for Mobile Devices

Lenders will place an order to your mobile device for a property inspection. When they do so, this triggers a text/email to you, the “Photo Agent.” A Photo Agent is the person that installs and uses the Verisite app to take pictures and write descriptive text about a property.

If you have an iOS device, your text message will look like this: 

Tap the Verisite Download link to be taken to the App Store to download and install Verisite.

If you have an Android device, your text message will look like this:

Tap the Verisite link to be taken to the Android App on Google Play to download and install Verisite.

You will also receive an email about your Verisite order. Within the body of the email, you will see that downloading the Verisite app is required to fulfill the lender's request via the App Download Required section. Should you not be able to download the Verisite app through the text message notification, you can click on the Verisite App link located at the bottom of the email. This will direct you to your respective device's App Store. 

The Verisite App will install onto your phone.

How to Use the Verisite Mobile Property Inspection App

To verify that the order was sent to the correct location, simply enter your phone number or email address that you received the order, and tap the Sign In button.

If you have been in the system previously you will view additional Active orders and Completed orders.

If you are using Verisite for the first time you will immediately view the Let’s Take Some Photos screen.

To get started, click on a green button (aka a Category) see the specific requirements for the photos your lender needs. In this example, we will walk through taking pictures and writing text for a property’s exterior.

Follow the instructions on the screens to capture the information that is needed.

The camera button at the bottom of the app is where you take photos. You can take as many photos as necessary under each Category.

You can add text to describe your photos in the Details text box.

You can edit any photos you would like to replace.

Once one Category is completed you will be directed to continue taking pictures and providing text in other Categories.

After taking all photos, you will Review & Submit your information back to your lender. As the Photo Agent, you can review the contents in each Category and edit anything as needed. When ready, tap the Submit button.

Verisite is then triggered to deliver all information that you gathered to your lender.

Sending and Receiving Messages

You can also send messages to your lender in the app, and your lender can send messages to you in the app.

If your lender sends you any messages, you will receive a text to indicate that you should respond to your lender’s messages in the Verisite app. Tap the link in the text message to open the app.

New messages will be indicated at the bottom right of the app with a small red number indicating new messages. Tap the Messages section to open, read, and respond to messages.

If the lender has asked that you take an additional photo, or provide more details for any given section, click on the section you will be adding your new photo(s) to, select Next Category, and then click on Review & Submit again.