Part of making the real estate appraisal process successful is constant progress updates. Lenders must know the progress, or the status, of their appraisal to keep the remainder of the loan process on schedule. Much of a loan life cycle hinges on the success of having robust appraisal statuses and communications system.

Appraisals ordered in Appraisal Firewall are constantly monitored by the system and updated so that you always know instantly where a given order is in-process at any given moment. Here are the statuses that an order might be in.

Active statuses are those where the appraisal has been ordered, but is not yet completed by the appraiser. Closed order statuses are those where the appraisal has been completed by the appraiser, but is undergoing post-completed work, such as additional Quality Control work.

Active Order Statuses:

  • Requested – Orders that have been placed but are not assigned to an appraiser.

  • Bidding - For commercial orders, request bids from appraisers prior to assigning the order.

  • Manager assigning - Requires that an admin manually assign the order to an appraiser.

  • Assign delay - For credit card orders, designate an amount of days prior to the order being automatically assigned.

  • Assigned - Orders in an ‘Assigned’ status have not yet been accepted by an appraiser.

  • Negotiating - Designates that appraisers have offered an alternate due date or price (must have Conditional Acceptance feature enabled). The condition must be approved prior to appraisal moving forward.

  • Appraiser Accepted - This status indicates that an appraiser has accepted the order and set a price.

  • Schedule attempt 1 - Notifies you that the appraiser has tried to make contact to schedule an inspection.

  • Schedule attempt 2 - Notifies you that the first attempt to schedule the inspection failed, and the appraiser is trying again.

  • Schedule attempt 3 - Notifies you that the first and second attempts to schedule the inspection failed, and the appraiser is trying a third time.

  • Scheduled inspection - Notifies you that the inspection has been scheduled.

  • Re-scheduled inspection - Notifies you that the previously-schedule inspection has date has been changed to a new one.

  • Completed inspection - The inspection has been done.

  • Completing final - The appraiser is completing the report.

  • Reviewing - Depending on your settings, there may be a review performed on the appraisal after an appraiser uploads it. These reviews indicate if a UAD check or UCDP submission has occurred, or if you have the Automated Appraisal Review feature enabled.

  • Manual review - The order is being reviewed by an internal manual reviewer.

  • Payment review - Either the borrower must enter a credit card or there is an issue with the card on file.

Closed Order Statuses:

  • Done - The appraisal has been completed by the appraiser and uploaded into Appraisal Firewall.

  • Corrections Required - If a review is performed, an appraiser may be required to make edits to the report.

  • Revisions Requested - When you request more information or additional products from an appraiser, you may place the order in a supplementing status. Work with your appraiser to let them know what additional information you require.

  • Disputing - You may dispute the value on a completed report and request more information on comparables mentioned in the report. Also includes lender-initiated and borrower-initiated Reconsideration of Values (ROVs). 

  • Archived - The file has been archived off of Appraisal Firewall for security reasons. Files are placed into the Archive after one year.

  • Cancelled - You can cancel an order anytime prior to the report being uploaded. Appraisers have 24 hours to set a cancellation fee once it has been cancelled.

Where can I Find Order Statuses? 

On the main Orders screen, below the widgets, you will find your orders list. You can quickly view the status of each order in the lost by looking in the Status column.

When you open an order, you can view the current status of the order you are working in the top middle of your screen. Just to the right of the green Refresh button, you will see a row of summary data concerning the order. The current order status is the fourth entry to the right of the Refresh button, as shown below.