Accessible by clicking the profile icon at the upper left hand side of your account, you can use My Profile to view and edit your own information.

You can edit and view company information, including contact numbers, login credentials, contact address, and Notification Levels.

The Notification Level feature allows you to set a default for receiving automatic email notifications. These email notifications help to keep you informed on what is happening with each of the appraisal orders your company places. You can adjust these levels to your liking: you can increase your notifications if you feel like you do not have enough information, or you can decrease your notifications if you are feeling overwhelmed.

  • Standard (default setting) – This setting allows you to receive email notifications for messages directed to administrators on any orders under your scope regardless of whether or not you are assigned to the order. This includes price change requests, messages from other users directed to administrators, appraiser disclosures, etc.

  • None - This notification level prevents you from receiving emails on orders you are not directly connected to. You will still be sent email notification messages on orders that you placed or that you are assigned to.

  • All – Use this setting if you want to receive email notifications on all communications between all users for orders in your scope whether you are assigned to the order or not (i.e. messages between your users and appraisers, messages for other administrators).

Click Save you implement any changes you make here.