For a lender agent to submit appraisals on your organization’s behalf, you must assign a Seller Number(s). For Fannie Mae, the Seller Number is your Seller/Servicer Number or Non- Seller/Servicer Number ID. For Freddie Mac, the Seller Number is your Seller/Servicer Number or Third Party Originator (TPO) Number.

You may assign a Seller Number(s) as soon as you invite the lender agent, even though the status may still be “Pending”. Once a lender agent accepts the invitation and has an assigned Seller Number(s), the lender agent can begin submitting appraisals for your organization under the assigned Seller Number(s).

Typically, organizations submit appraisals under one Seller Number for each GSE. If your organization submits appraisals under more than one Seller Number for a given GSE, you have the flexibility to determine which Seller Number(s) the lender agent uses without exposing all of your organization’s activity.

To assign and remove Seller Numbers to and from a lender agent, follow these steps:

1. From the UCDP Home page, click the Account Administration tab and select User and Business Unit Administration.

After you select User and Business Unit Administration, the Administration - Home page appears.

2. From the Administration – Home page, click the plus sign (+) in front of Relationships to open that node.

After you click the plus sign (+), the list of authorized lender agents appears.

3. Click the name of the lender agent to which you are assigning a Seller Number(s). Here you will choose Appraisal Firewall/SharperLending.

After you select the lender agent, the Administration – Relationship Details page appears for that lender agent.

4. From the Administration – Relationships Details page, click Edit to access the Administration - Seller Numbers page.

After you click Edit, the Administration – Seller Numbers page appears for the lender agent selected – which is Appraisal Firewall/SharperLending. From this page you can assign or remove a Seller Number to/from the lender agent.

Assigning Seller Numbers

From the Administration - Seller Numbers page, locate the list of Available Seller Numbers. Highlight a specific Seller Number in the list and select Add. 

The Available Seller Numbers list is populated with the same Seller Numbers(s) assigned to the business unit who invited the lender agent into a relationship.

The Add all button allows you to assign all the Available Seller Numbers to the lender agent at one time.

After you select Add, the Assigned Seller Numbers list shows the added Seller Number. If you have further questions about registering with UCDP, or inviting Appraisal Firewall/SharperLending as your lender agent, please contact customer service.