Submitting appraisals to UCDP/EAD through the system can help streamline your appraisal business by submitting UAD-compliant appraisals to the Uniform Collateral Data Portal (UCDP) or to the Electronic Appraisal Delivery (EAD) portal on your behalf. You can avoid losing time bouncing from one system to another and have all your UCDP/FHA EAD requirements met right within the system. Once you have created your UCDP/EAD accounts and enabled UCDP/EAD submission within the system settings, you and your users will be able to submit your appraisal files directly to UCDP or the FHA EAD portal.

UCDP/EAD System Setup

As an Administrator user, you have the ability to enable UCDP/EAD submission for you and your users (originators, supervisors, and other administrators). Once you have registered with the UCDP/EAD portals and invited your Lender Agent, it’s easy to enable your account for direct UCDP/EAD submission. First, log into your Administrator account, click on Relationships along the left, then maximize the information for one of your divisions. Next, click the Edit Settings button.

Note – a Lender Agent is required for you to setup and use the Appraisal Firewall UCDP and EAD

Solution. If you have questions about registering with UCDP or EAD and/or inviting your Lender Agent,

contact your account representative.

Within the Settings window, click the drop down arrow for the Billing/Services section.

Within the Billing/Services menu, scroll to find the UCDP/EAD sections and click the radio button to enable the feature(s). In addition, you must enter your UCDP/EAD credentials if you intend to submit to either portal.

UCDP/EAD Settings

If any of your UCDP eligible loans will be submitted to a GSE, click the UCDP radio button to enable the feature and enter the applicable Fannie Mae Seller Number and Freddie Mac Seller/TPO Number into the corresponding Fannie Mae # and Freddie Mac # fields. Then, enter your Business Unit Number which you can get from within UCDP once you have invited your Lender Agent. Click Save to apply the credentials and enable the UCDP feature for users under this division.

If you want to enable your account for EAD submissions, click the radio button to enable the feature and enter your Lender ID and Business Unit # supplied to you by the EAD Portal. Click Save to apply the credentials and enable the EAD feature for users under this division.

  • Mark the UAD checkbox if all UAD compatible appraisals under your company should be evaluated against a 300 point UAD review. This option attempts to catch any UAD errors before submission to UCDP so that the submission process can be more streamlined for you.

  • Enabling the UCDP feature enables you and your users to send your completed appraisals to UCDP. Once your UCDP Credentials have been entered and the UCDP checkbox is marked, the Send to UCDP option will be available on all relevant orders moving forward.

  • Click the Auto Submit to UCDP box if all UCDP compatible reports delivered under this division should be automatically delivered to UCDP as soon as the appraiser uploads the completed appraisal. Keep in mind that by enabling this feature, the appraisal will be sent to UCDP without a review by you or any user (unless using the manual review feature).

  • UCDP Aggregators – SSRs returned from the GSEs can be shared with third party investors on a per order basis. The system allows lenders to easily designate an authorized party so it does not need to be done manually within UCDP.

o Aggregator ID – must match the Aggregator ID in UCDP

o Aggregator Name – must match Aggregator Name in UCDP

  • Enabling the EAD feature enables you and your users to send your completed FHA appraisal orders to the EAD portal. Once your EAD Credentials have been entered and the EAD checkbox is marked, the Send to FHA EAD option will be available on all relevant orders moving forward.

  • Click the Auto Submit to FHA EAD box if all EAD eligible reports delivered under this division should be automatically delivered to the EAD Portal as soon as the appraiser uploads the completed FHA appraisal. Keep in mind that by enabling this feature, the appraisal will be sent to EAD without a review by you or any user (unless using the manual review feature).

Click Done to save any changes. Once your UCDP/EAD Credentials have been entered and the UCDP/EAD/UAD feature is enabled, you and your users can submit completed reports to UCDP or the EAD Portal.

Working in a UCDP/EAD Order

You and your users can choose when to submit a completed appraisal to UCDP or the EAD Portal. Depending on your settings, when an appraiser uploads the completed report it will either be automatically submitted to a portal, or you will need to do it manually. On successful submission, both UCDP and the EAD Portal return a DocFileID (the unique UCDP/EAD reference number that can be included on loan files), and Submission Summary Report(s) (SSRs). The SSRs return information about the appraisal submission to UCDP or EAD. For orders submitted to UCDP, each GSE will send back an SSR (for example, Fannie Mae will send back an SSR, and Freddie Mac will send back a separate SSR if you have seller numbers for both GSEs). For orders submitted to the EAD Portal, only one SSR is returned.

Running the UAD Check

Appraisal Firewall offers a tool to preview and validate the UAD XML appraisals uploaded by your appraisers. The UAD Check feature reviews appraisals for UAD completeness prior to the report being submitted to a portal. Implementing this feature can save your company time by avoiding multiple submissions to UCDP/EAD. The UAD Check runs on any UAD compatible XML appraisal including USDA, FHA, and VA appraisals.

Enabling the UAD Check on your Settings screen will cause the uploaded report to be verified by over 300 appraisal data points. If the review encounters any errors, or hard stops, the report will be sent back to the appraiser, along with a PDF file explaining the results. Appraisers may then modify the report if necessary, and upload a new one, or use the existing one and provide an explanation. The second appraisal delivery will be sent through the UAD Check again, and the PDF results and appraisal report will be delivered to both the user and appraiser. Although you can manually submit a file to UCDP or EAD an unlimited amount of times, the UAD Check will run a maximum of two times.

Orders that do not pass the initial UAD Check go into a ‘Corrections required’ status. Appraisals in a ‘Corrections required’ status can still be viewed and can be submitted to UCDP/EAD prior to the appraiser addressing any issues.

Automatic UCDP/EAD Submission

The system allows you to have every completed UCDP/EAD compatible appraisal automatically submit to UCDP/EAD upon delivery by the appraiser. You can check the Auto Submit to UCDP and Auto submit to FHA EAD checkbox on your profile to enable this feature.

If you choose to have completed appraisals submitted automatically to UCDP or the EAD Portal, as soon as the appraiser delivers the appraisal, it will be submitted to UCDP/EAD without any involvement from you. The DocFileID and the SSR’s will be returned after a few minutes.

When you elect to have reports automatically submitted to UCDP/EAD, only the initial report is automatically delivered. If an appraiser uploads a revised or subsequent appraisal, you or  another user will need to manually submit the appraisal via the Send to UCDP/Send to FHA EAD feature.

Important Note on Enabling Both UAD Check and Automatic UCDP/EAD Submission

If you have enabled the UAD Check, this will run prior to submission to UCDP/EAD to catch any potential errors before submission. If there are no issues identified, the appraisal will be automatically submitted to UCDP/EAD after the UAD Check has run without any involvement from you. If there are errors identified, the appraiser is given an opportunity to upload a revised report, or use the existing one and provide an explanation. If the report fails the UAD Check a second time, the report will still automatically be submitted to UCDP/EAD, and you will be notified via email and within Appraisal Firewall that the UAD Check returned errors. It is recommended that you work with your appraiser – who is sent the same information as you in the event of identified issues – to get any discrepancies resolved.

Manual UCDP/EAD Submission

To manually submit a report to UCDP/EAD once it has been delivered and completed, open the order, click the Send to UCDP/Send to FHA EAD button, and confirm you want it sent. The file will then be sent to the portal you selected and the DocFileID and the SSRs will be returned shortly. Administrators and managed users (originators and supervisors) all have the ability to use this feature by default but can be adjusted in the division’s settings.

Important Note on UAD Check – Manual UCDP/EAD Submission

If the UAD check is enabled, the check is run at the time the appraiser uploads the appraisal. This is so that, if any issues are detected, they can be brought to you and your appraiser’s attention before being submitted to a GSE portal.

What Happens After my Appraisal is Submitted to UCDP/EAD?

To help track the progress of an order submitted to either UCDP or the EAD Portal, while the order is being reviewed by either portal the status of the order changes to ‘reviewing’.

When the GSEs are finished reviewing, and have a successful submission, the status of the order changes to ‘done’ and the Doc File ID and SSR outputs are returned. SSR outputs are available in from either the order’s Communications tab or the Documents tab.

If the portal does not accept a report you have submitted, check the Communications Log of the order for an explanation. If SSR outputs are available for an unsuccessful submission, review the data in the SSR and work with the appraiser to resolve any issues.

Viewing Submission Summary Reports (SSRs)

You can view any SSRs by clicking on the output within the Communications log, or by moving to the Documents tab (paperclip icon) and choosing the Fannie Mae SSR or Freddie Mac SSR file.

If an appraiser uploads a modified appraisal report after you have already submitted to UCDP, the SSR outputs are considered ‘outdated,’ indicating that the file should be resubmitted to the portal. The report will need to be manually resubmitted in order to generate a new, current SSR. The SSR will change based on the changed contents of the most recent appraisal.

A Few Reminders:

  • UCDP and the EAD Portal only accept UAD XML files. If an appraiser supplies a PDF version of the report, it may not submit properly to the portal.

  • In order to submit reports to UCDP, you must create an account with UCDP and invite your Lender Agent in order for Appraisal Firewall to submit to UCDP on behalf of your company. 

  • In order to submit reports to the EAD Portal, you must create an account with EAD and invite your Lender Agent in order Appraisal Firewall to submit to the EAD Portal on behalf of your company. 

  • You can elect to have all your orders automatically submitted to the appropriate portal right when the appraiser uploads the report. Mark the Auto submit to UCDP/Auto submit to FHA EAD option on a division’s profile to enable this feature. When a report is ready, Appraisal Firewall will run a UAD Check if enabled, and then submit the file to the correct portal. Important Note: when you enable the auto submit feature, the appraisal will not be reviewed by any user at your company prior to submitting to UCDP (unless the manual review feature is enabled)!

  • Currently the form types eligible for UCDP submission are 1004/1004MC, 1004C, 1004D, 1025, 1073, 1075, 2055, 2090, and 2095. The form types eligible for EAD submission are 1004/1004MC, 1004C, 1004D, 1025, and 1073. Appraisers must provide forms in XML format (Appraisal Firewall automatically generates a PDF copy for you to view). Other form types not listed are not currently accepted by either the UCDP or FHA EAD portals.

Troubleshooting SSR Failures

Occasionally the UCDP/EAD returns SSRs that are not successful. Below are the most common reasons for a failed submission to the portal and how to resolve the issue. Submission errors may appear in the SSR output or within the Communications log of the order. To address SSR Failures not listed here, view the SSR (if available) to see what hard stops need to be addressed. You may work with you appraiser if modifications need to be made to the report.

  • Appraisal data in invalid format. XML file does not match the specified format and form’ – This indicates that the appraisal ordered in Appraisal Firewall does not match the form type the appraiser uploaded to the order. If the appraisal report is correct, use the Edit Details feature within the order to update the form type and then submit the report to the portal again.

  • FHA case number is missing or invalid’ – The EAD portal accepts submissions for FHA case numbers that appear in the format of xxx-xxxxxxx (three digits, a dash, and then seven digits). Use the Edit Details button within the order to modify the FHA case number to the accepted format and then submit the report to EAD again.

  • FHA Case Number on appraisal does not match Document File’ - This indicates that the case number entered on the appraisal report does not match the case number entered within Appraisal Firewall. If the appraisal report is correct, use the Edit Details feature within the order to update the FHA case number and then submit the report to the portal again.

  • ‘The Submit Appraisal function has encountered a failure Duplicate submission' – a submission has already been received for SharperLending loan #XXXXXXX. If you wish to make a correction, you must reference DocumentFileIdentifier XXXXXXXXX in your resubmission’ – This indicates that your company may have already submitted a report with the same loan number or that there was an error with the submission. Please contact customer service to resolve the issue.