Lender Administrators can gain more control over what co-workers and staff are saying in their messages. Creating reusable, Canned Messages for common scenarios like status update requests, inspection date inquiries and more can reduce the time spent typing out entire messages. Additionally, Canned Messages can be composed and stored when requesting payment from borrowers during the order creation process. Canned Messages help to maintain consistency across all co-workers and staff when they communicate with borrowers, appraisers, and customer service.

How to Set Up Canned Messages for All Branches

When you create Canned Messages, they will be available to be applied to all users under all branches. You can choose to either restrict users down to only use the canned messages you approve at the administrative level, or you can allow users to create their own messages as well as select canned messages. This feature also expedites the message creation process with default options as opposed to freeform responses. Canned Messages are separated into Order Message and Credit Card Request - Message to Borrower

Canned Messages on Orders

1. Login to the system as an Administrator and click the Gear settings icon at top left. Find the Canned Messages section and click on the arrow to expand it.

2. Click the Add Canned Message button. 

3. Blank fields will open on-screen that you can add your information to.

4. Start by adding a Message Title here. This title will appear in the drop down for your users when they select a canned message, and it will be the title of the message that is sent to the appraiser or customer service. You will want to make the title something that represents the message that will be sent; for example, if the message is a status update request for an appraiser, you can enter “Status Update Request” into the message title field.

5. Then, type in the wording of the canned message that will be sent. To continue with the prior example, you could enter “Please send me an update on the status of this appraisal when you can. Thank you.” Note that if you leave the message body blank, the title of the message will automatically be copied into the message body.

6. When you are ready click Add. This will make the message available to all users that you enable for the Canned Messages feature.

7. Click the Save button to save your messages. Each time you add a new canned message, you need to save your changes to make sure your messages are added to the system.

a. You can create as many canned messages as you like for your users.

b. You can organize the order in which they are displayed by clicking, dragging and dropping the messages into place.

c. Click the arrow next to any message to read and edit it.

d. Click the red X button to delete a message.

8. These canned messages will then be available on any orders that have been placed that are not in a Disputing or Revisions Requested status.

Canned Messages for Credit Card Request - Message to Borrower

1. Login to the system as an Administrator and click the Gear settings icon at top left. Find the Canned Messages section and click on the arrow to expand it.

2. Create a static message that will be included during the new order creation process when utilizing the Credit Card - Request from Borrower payment method. 

3. Once the message has been structured to suit your needs, select SAVE to push that message to all your divisions. RESET will restore the message to the last saved version. Please note that if/when the message to the borrower needs to be updated, be sure to select SAVE to update those changes

4. During the next new order creation where payment is being requested from the borrower, the canned message will automatically populate in the Message to Borrower field.