Every data field, and every bit of information that exists in the system is available to you. Want to track the number of disputes for a specific appraiser over the past few months? Done. Want to see all the Collateral Underwriter risk scores for a specific branch of your business for the past month? Done. Want to see how many times an appraiser or group of appraisers declines order assignments? Not a problem. The technology offers comprehensive management reporting that lets you track and manage system activity to better protect your business. Use this guide to work with management reports.

Overview and Selecting a Division

When you login, click the Reporting button at left to view the Management Reports screen.

The first thing you can do is choose whether you want to view data across all your divisions, to view data for your account only, or view specific information only for a single division. Click the drop down at right if you want to view information only for a single division. You can choose My Orders to only view those activities for orders that you have placed or that you have been assigned to.

Standard Reports

In the Standard Report section, there are a multitude of pre-built management reports that you can run.

  • Open Orders - Use this report to view all orders that are not in a status of Done. This means any reports that are outstanding and includes appraisal orders in the following statuses:

o Requested

o Bidding

o Manager Assigning

o Assign Delay

o Assigned

o Negotiating

o Appraiser Accepted

o Schedule Attempt 1

o Schedule Attempt 2

o Schedule Attempt 3

o Scheduled Inspection

o Re-scheduled Inspection

o Completed Inspection

o Completing Final

o Reviewing

o Manual Review

o Payment Review

  • Closed Orders - Use this report to view all orders that are in a status of Done, or any post- delivery status. When running this report, select a date range that you would like to view closed orders in. Included in the report will be any fees associated to the order. This management report includes orders in the following statuses:

o Done

o Corrections Required

o Revisions Requested

o Disputing

o Archived

o Cancelled

  • Appraiser List - Use this report to view a list of all the appraisers that are signed up under your lender company. This includes all appraisers across all divisions under your lender, and shows the following data:

o Division Name

o Kind of Account, i.e., Appraiser, Appraiser Member, or AMC

o Panel Status, i.e., Active on the panel or Inactive on the panel

o Appraiser Name

o Tags

o Email Address

o Company Name

o City, State, Zip

o Phone Number

o Number of orders they have completed

o Date the last order was assigned to them

o E&O Number and Expiration

o License state, number, and expiration for as many states as they are licensed in

o Certification number and expiration for as many states as they are certified in

  • Reviewer Performance Report – This report is available if you have Manual Review enabled on one or more of your divisions. Within the contents of the Reviewer Performance Report, the following data is included:

o Number of orders that have gone to review in the specified date range

o Average Rating

o Per Product form type reviewed

  • Total number of that product type reviewed
  • Average rating per product type

o Reviewer information

  • Reviewer Contact Name
  • Reviewer Email Address
  • Reference number Reviewer performed the review
  • Interface order was placed
  • Product Reviewer performed a review
  • Action Date, i.e. date and timestamp review was approved/rejected
  • Action Kind (approved or rejected)
  • Comment Reviewer provided
  • Current rating Reviewer provided on order

  • All Appraisers Average Turn Time – This report pulls an average turn time from two different sectors: All Appraisers or My Appraisers. All Appraisers quantify as all the appraisers currently active in the system, whereas My Appraisers quantify as those appraisers on your panel(s). You can pull this data for an entire state or county specific. Additionally, you can have the results generated within a specific date range. There is an option prior to generating the report for you to include the appraiser information. Generating the appraiser information can be helpful if you want to add that appraiser to one of your division panels. Omitting the appraiser information will create a report with the following:

o State

o County

o Product Type

o Average Turn Time in days

  • All Appraisers Average Price Per Product – This report generates an average per product price from two different sectors: All Appraisers or My Appraisers. All Appraisers quantify as all the appraisers currently active in the system, whereas My Appraisers quantify as those appraisers on your panel(s). You can pull this data for an entire state or county specific. Additionally, you can have the results generated within a specific date range. There is an option prior to generating the report for you to include the appraiser information. Generating the appraiser information can be helpful if you want to view which appraisers have a particular fee structure. You can pull this data for a state, or county specific. Generating this report can be extremely advantageous to determine if your pricing is competitive with appraiser pricing. Omitting the appraiser information will create a report with the following: 

o State

o County

o Product Type

o Average Amount if the order is not FHA

o Average Amount if the order is FHA

  • Appraiser Groups this report generates all appraiser members that have been added to active appraiser groups associated with your lender panels during a specified timeframe. By default the timeframe is the last 30 days. This report aids in updating members on your panels to ensure newly added members are eligible for assignment. The report provides the following data:
    • Appraiser Company Name
    • Appraiser Admin Name
    • Appraiser Member Name
    • Member Created Date
    • Divisions (these are the divisions the appraiser group is associated

If you select My Orders from the drop-down list, only the Open Orders and Closed Orders management reports will be available to you. When you run them, it will show data on orders that you either placed or have been assigned to.

If you select a division from the drop-down list at right, additional pre-built management reports are available to you:

  • Coverage Area - Run this report to view the appraisers in the selected division's panel and the counties that they cover. This includes both the counties that the appraiser has indicated that they cover, and the counties that have been added via the Controlled Rotation feature by a Lender Administrator. If your division has Residential and/or Commercial ordering enabled, you will see each coverage broken out respectively.

  • Appraiser Performance - Run this report to get an idea of how your appraisers are performing their work for you. The report tracks the number of completed appraisals per appraiser, the average number of days it took to complete the appraisal (average number of days between when the appraisal was accepted and completed by appraiser), and the average price the appraiser charged. Additional content of the report is as follows:

o Overall number of actions that have been performed in specified date range

  • Number of Declines
  • Number of orders that were Conditionally Accepted
  • Number of Price Change requests
  • Number of Revisions requested
  • Percentage of orders returned on time

o Per Product Performance

  • Product Type
  • Total number of product type performed
  • Average turn time in days
  • Number of per product declines
  • Number of per product conditional acceptance
  • Number of per product price change requests
  • Number of per product revisions requested
  • Number of per product percentage on time

o Individual Appraiser Performance

  • Number of appraisals the appraiser has performed in the specified date range
  • Average turn time per appraiser
  • Number of orders the appraiser has declined, conditionally accepted, and requested price changes
  • Number of times the appraiser has been asked for revisions
  • Percentage or orders the appraiser returns on time

o Individual Order Performance per Appraiser

  • Appraiser that completed the order
  • Reference Number
  • Distance the appraiser was from the subject property
  • If the order was delivered on time

Custom Reports

This is where you get to experience real benefits in tracking and managing your appraisal activity: you can build and save your own custom reports. These reports can have as much or as little data as you want in them. Click the Create Report button to begin. For a full guide on how to build and generate Custom Reports, please refer to our Creating Custom Reports article.