Setup and Customize Your Appraisal Order Assignment Process to Work How You Want it

As a Lender Administrator, do you have appraisers that say they cover a certain area, but you don’t necessarily want them to? Perhaps you have an appraiser that says they offer all the appraisal products that can possibly be ordered, but you only want them to be eligible for three or four?

Use the Controlled Rotation feature to customize an appraiser’s service area so that they cover the areas you want them to cover; use it to limit or expand the products that an appraiser can complete for your company. This is a compliance-focused feature that helps make sure the most qualified appraisers are eligible to receive orders within the best vicinity to their location. As you know, the closest appraisers to a subject property are usually the most knowledgeable.

The system retains information on those appraisers that you have setup like this but keeps other appraiser profiles that you have not modified intact. You can pick and choose your appraiser’s service area to make sure the appraiser with the right expertise gets the order they are most qualified for.

Controlled Rotation Setup Process

Login as a Lender Administrator, then click on the Relationships button at left.

On the Divisions tab, find the division you want to setup or modify for Controlled Rotation, and click the Manage Appraisers button.

The Appraisers screen will then load for this division. You will see the coverage area map, and below the map, the appraiser panel for this division.

Focus on the area below the map - in the Panel section. This lists all the appraisers for the current map view. Find an appraiser that you want to setup for Controlled Rotation and click the arrow at right to expand it.

Find the tabs that are listed, and click the padlock tab.

The padlock tab takes you to the Controlled Rotation information. When you move to this tab, you can implement routing restrictions, override any of the appraiser's coverage areas, or products that they are eligible to perform.


You can limit the number of orders an appraiser can have at a given time in their queue, and how far away an appraiser can be from the property for assignment purposes.

Include in Rotation for Each Qualifying Appraiser (only available on appraiser group accounts)

This setting ensures that each appraiser group member is eligible for order assignments as opposed to the appraiser group only being eligible for a single order assignment. In essence, the group account will get the number of assignment opportunities as there are members IF all the appraiser members are eligible for the order. 

Set Capacity to _ Active Orders

When you enter a number of active orders that an appraiser can have in their queue, the appraiser is then excluded from further assignments should the number exceed the active order amount. For example, if you set the capacity to 10 active orders, on the 11th order, the appraiser would be excluded, and the order would route to the next eligible appraiser on your panel. Active orders are classified as any order that has not gone to done and excludes cancelled orders.

Assign Within _ Miles From Property

You can enter how many miles away you want an appraiser to be from the property. The system will look at the address associated with the appraiser’s profile and the property address to determine IF the order is within the appropriate mileage. Should the appraiser be outside the specified radius, the order will move on to the next eligible appraiser on your panel.

Once you have setup your Rotation restrictions, be sure to select the Save Changes button to implement the control.


You can restrict the types of property classifications an appraiser is eligible to receive by choosing Qualifications and/or determining which Service Areas an appraiser can receive work. These two sections can function on their own, or they can work in conjunction with one another. Click the Coverage arrow to begin.


In the Qualifications section, limit the types of property classifications an appraiser is eligible to receive. From the drop-down menu, you can choose which qualifications you would like the appraiser to receive. These Property Classifications are pulled from the Property Classifications listed within a division's Edit Settings. For example, if you have an appraiser that specializes in Rural and Acreage properties, you can enable these classifications so that appraiser will always be eligible to receive these types of orders. Note that only enabled Property Classifications will be listed under the Qualifications section.

Once you have selected the appropriate qualifications, be sure to click Save Qualifications. This will ensure your control is in place. Please note that all appraisers will always be eligible to receive Single Family order types.

Qualifications by default include 2-4 Unit, 204K, Acreage, Complex, Condo, Construction, FHA, Jumbo, Manufactured, Non-Owner Occupied, Oversized, PUD, Renovation, Rural, USDA, and Waterfront. Any custom Property Classifications added at the division will be included as well. The more qualifications you have enabled, the more eligible an appraiser will be for appraisal orders.

Service Areas

You can add the coverage you want for this appraiser, overriding the coverage settings the appraiser has indicated that they offer. Through the Service Areas section, you can either import the appraiser's settings then customize them to your liking; or you can start from scratch by indicating which counties and which states you want the appraiser to cover. Then, when an appraisal order is placed, if it is within the coverage you have indicated, the appraiser will be eligible to receive the order; if it is outside of the coverage area indicated, the appraiser will not be eligible to receive the order.

If you want to include all the coverage areas an appraiser has setup within their profile, select Import Settings. You will see an overlay screen asking if you want to confirm the action.

Choosing Yes will import the coverage area from the appraiser’s profile. Selecting No will direct you back to the previous screen. If you choose Yes, the coverage areas will be listed. Below is an example of how the list is displayed.

The ability to build your own Service Area for a particular appraiser can be accomplished through the Add Service Area button. Then, select the State you want this appraiser to cover.

Next, you can assign a County to this appraiser, as well as a zip code. When you are done, click the Add button. The service area will then be added below with corresponding County (and Zip Code, if applicable) information.

Selecting a County in the state you want this appraiser to cover, the appraiser will then only be eligible for appraisal orders in that county (or counties if you have indicated this appraiser should have a broader service area). If you choose a Zip Code, the appraiser will only be eligible for appraisal orders in that zip code.

An appraiser can be assigned as many Service Areas as you want if, for example, you want an appraiser to cover two/three/four specific counties: or, a county and a zip code, etc.

When an appraisal order is placed, if it is within the coverage area or areas you indicated here along with the selected qualifications, the appraiser will be able to receive the order; if it is outside of the coverage area indicated here and/or the qualifications do not match, the appraiser will not be able to receive the order.