Once your VA appraisal order has been placed, you will be directed to the Communication Log. The LIN/Case Number will be returned with the 1805 document, along with the assigned appraiser information. You will see an order status of ‘Assigned,’ with a notification of Assigned to VA Appraiser. Appraiser information can be found within the Parties tab under the Appraiser section.

Order Retrieval Process

When the order completes in the VA portal, the VA will send an email notification to the lender alerting them that the report has been delivered and is available for review.

This will prompt the lender user to click the Retrieve VA Updates button within the order in Appraisal Firewall.

Once you select Retrieve VA Updates, you will see an overlay asking if you would like to Confirm the action.

Confirming the action will show a dialogue box with real-time updates while Appraisal Firewall reaches out to the VA portal. Any new messages and documents will be imported to the Communication Log upon a successful retrieval from the VA portal. You can expand the banner to view all statuses, and/or use the 'X' to close out the banner once you have reviewed its contents.  

Property Details

Through the Property Information tab, you can utilize the Edit Details feature should you need to make any adjustments to the order information.

When you select Edit Details, the fields will open to an editable mode. Make the necessary adjustments and select Save at the bottom. Once the changes have been made, Appraisal Firewall will submit those changes to the VA Portal.

NOTE: Orders that have yet to be received successfully by the VA portal will require the user to resubmit the order details. More information about the Resubmit to VA process can be found HERE

Billing Information

Payment to the appraiser occurs outside of the Appraisal Firewall. VA orders will have a Payment Method set to Manager Bill.


All documents attached and/or retrieved from the VA Portal can be found within the Documents tab.


Any users affiliated with the order can be found within the Users tab. The VA appraiser assigned to the order can be viewed under the Appraiser section.