The Appraisal Firewall order connection to the VA portal allows you to create, track, and retrieve your VA appraisal orders in a single platform. VA order placement can be done through traditional Residential ordering. Through this connection, all your appraisal orders can be managed through one platform, saving you time from navigating between numerous portals.

Appraisal Firewall-VA Credential Setup

Enabling your branches to order and connect VA appraisals to Appraisal Firewall is fast and easy. You will need to enter your VA web portal credentials, and then enable any branches you want to work with VA appraisals. Be prepared to have your VA credentials accessible, then follow these steps.

Lender Level VA Settings

1. Login to Appraisal Firewall as a global lender administrator, and in the upper left corner, click the Gear button to access Lender Settings. 

2. Locate the VA Appraisal Settings near the bottom, and click the down arrow to expand this section. If you have not already, you will need to contact Customer Service to enable your organization for VA ordering access. A note will be provided under the VA Appraisal Settings section stating whether access has yet to be enabled.

3. In the VA Credentials section, fill out the fields with your correct VA email, password, and Secret Key code. For any users that have their own VA credentials, refer to our User Level VA Settings guide

  • Email – the email address you use to log in to the VA site.
  • Password – enter the password you use to log in to the VA site.
  • Secret Key – the 16-digit code you receive during the Multi-Factor Authentication process. You can access the complete instructions HERE on how to obtain your Secret Key code. 

To ensure you have entered the correct credentials, select Verify Credentials so Appraisal Firewall can run a check in the background to ensure the proper credentials have been entered. Once the check has concluded, you will be presented with a message indicating that the credentials were verified or the credentials failed to be verified. 

Note: the SAVE button at the end of the VA Appraisal Settings will only be available when the VA Credentials have been verified. 

4. You can fill out the Person Authorizing Request section if all your VA orders will reflect this single entity. However, if the authorizing request information changes for each order, you can change and edit this information within the New Order screen. Please note this section is not required but entering this information within the VA Appraisal Settings section can prevent rekeying the same information when creating a new VA order.

  • Name – enter the name of the person or firm authorizing the request.
  • Title – enter the title (if applicable) of the authorizing entity.
  • Phone/Ext – enter the phone number and extension of the authorizing person or firm.

5. Fill out the Requester Information section if all your VA orders will reflect this single entity. However, if the authorizing request information changes for each order, you can change and edit this information within the New Order screen. Please note this section is not required but entering this information within the VA Appraisal Settings section can prevent rekeying the same information when creating a new VA order.

  • Sponsor’s Identification # - enter this value if your company orders Non-LAPP appraisal products.
  • Requester Phone #, Ext., Name – enter these values to assist with placing new orders. When entered, you will have less data entry on the new order screen.
  • Email Address – enter any email addresses into this field that should be notified with updates about the appraisal order as it progresses. Note that the VA will continue to send notifications upon order placement and appraisal delivery to the addresses provided in this field.

6. In the Lender ID/Branches section, you will need to add at least one branch to be able to order VA appraisals. Each branch that you add here will be available for selection as the branch name that is associated with the appraisal order. Click the Add Branch button to begin.

  • VA Lender ID – enter the Lender ID (also called User ID or Branch ID, found in the Requester Information section in the VA site) assigned by the VA for the branch you want to add.
  • Branch/Company Name – enter the name of this branch. This value is not tied to the VA site and is here for naming purposes within Appraisal Firewall. The Branch Name will be what is selected on the New Order screen (which is not yet available in the Beta/Early Experience phase).

7. Once you have entered the VA Lender ID and Branch/Company Name, click Add. This adds the branch to the list below and enables the branch to be able to place and retrieve VA appraisals and data into Appraisal Firewall. Follow the same process of adding branches to enable additional branches for VA appraisals.

You can Edit your Lender ID and/or Branch Name via the pencil icon to get these fields in an editable mode. 

Should you need to remove one of your branches, select the 'X' icon. This will remove your branch from the list.

To ensure these changes are retained you will need to select the SAVE button.

8. Save your changes. The setup process is now complete.

During any point of the setup process, you can utilize the RESET option which will return you to your last save point. This can be especially helpful, so you do not have to regularly remove inaccurate setting information.