If your company operates with multiple divisions who use Manual Review and most Reviewer panels are similar among the divisions, adding a review panel at the lender level may be beneficial for you, saving you time in division and Reviewer management.

When creating a review panel at the lender level and adding Manual Reviewers, you can push down the review panel to any or all your divisions to have the panel copied to all the divisions. You can edit the lender level panel and push to all divisions, so you do not have to edit them on a per division basis. You can even ‘push down’ the review panel to selected divisions and then go adjust them on a per division basis. This feature is mainly intended for lenders with multiple divisions who operate with Manual Reviews and share a similar Reviewer users.

Follow these instructions to setup a Reviewer panel at the lender level.

1. Login and click the Settings icon in the upper left-hand side of your account.

2. In the Settings window, expand the section for Manual Review Settings.

3. Scroll to find the section for Review Panel and click Create New Panel.

4. Enter the name of your new review panel and click Create Panel.

5. Once you have created at least one manual review panel, you can begin adding Reviewers to it. Click the Invite Reviewer button to add a user to the panel.

6. Enter the email address of a Reviewer you want to add to the review panel then click Send Invite.

7. If the user is an existing user within Appraisal Firewall, they will be immediately added to the Reviewer list for this division. If the user does not have an account within the system, you can choose to add them as a Lender type of user, or an Appraiser type of user.

a. Lender-type users will be instantly added to the Reviewer panel under this division. The email address that you entered on the invite will also be the user’s password. When the user logs in for the first time, they will be prompted to change their password. When lender users are created, they will exist in the system as an Originator and will appear under the Users list of an Administrator account. Users created here will not be associated with any divisions and will not be able to place orders unless you specify otherwise under a lender’s Users tab. By default, new system lender users invited here will only be available to act as a reviewer until you specify otherwise.

b. Appraiser-type users will be sent an email inviting them to create an account and will be listed in the Pending Invites section until they accept your invitation to create an account. Once they do, they will be added to your Reviewer panel, but they will not be added as an appraiser to your appraiser panel.

8. When you have added a Reviewer to your panel, they will be displayed as shown below. To remove a Reviewer from your panel, click the red "X" that corresponds to the Reviewer you want to remove.

9. You can make a Reviewer an Admin Reviewer at any time by clicking the promote reviewer icon. 

When prompted, click Approve to make the Reviewer an Admin Reviewer. Admin Reviewers are helpful when you have numerous Reviewers per division, as they can assign work to Reviewers, as well as reassign work to different Reviewers. They can also approve or reject appraisals on behalf of the currently assigned Reviewer. Admin Reviewers can approve/reject orders they are not assigned to and can see all orders in a Manual Review status under the division.

a. By default, Admin Reviewers are not included in the Auto Assign Reviewer functionality, meaning that they will not be assigned review work when auto- assign is enabled. You can include them in the auto review rotation by clicking the Include in Rotation link once you have upgraded a Reviewer to an Admin Reviewer. See the option highlighted in red below.

10. To setup a controlled rotation for a Reviewer, click the down arrow on the right side of the screen. Refer to Setting Up Controlled Rotation for a Reviewer for instructions on using that feature.

11. Repeat this process for as many Reviewers and panels as you want to add to this review panel.

12. When you have finished creating the panels you’d like copied to multiple divisions, click the Push to Divisions button.

13. Select which divisions you would like to push the lender level review panel(s) to. Choose the Select All Divisions box if you would like the lender level review panel pushed to all your divisions. Should you see any divisions listed with with an asterisk (*), this means that a manual review panel currently exists on that division. Please note: whenever you push a review panel to divisions, it will override any panels that exist at the division level. Only select divisions where it is ok to override any existing review panel. 

14. Once you select your divisions, click Save Changes. An overlay will appear, asking you to confirm your selection. Click Yes to push the lender level review panel to all selected divisions.

15. Once you have pushed the lender level review panel to the selected division(s), you can adjust any of the panels on the division level. For instance, you may elect to push the lender level review panel to all your divisions. Then, you can go to a specific division and customize it. In addition, you can add an additional panel at the division level and make it entirely unique from the lender level panel.