From the Order List, clicking on an order opens the appraisal order so that you can view the details about it.

The basic order layout includes tab menus along the top and feature options along the right. You have quick and easy access to the features that will impact the order depending on the status of the order and tab you are viewing. Some features are only available if they are currently relevant to the order (i.e. you can only access the Dispute feature after a report has been delivered).

  • Communications – Displays all messages and all activities that have occurred on the order. You can send messages and review past ones from this tab.

  • Property Information – This tab contains all details about the subject property such as address, report type ordered, and loan information.

  • Billing Details – Displays all accounting activity related to the order (service fees, price changes, receipts, etc.).

  • Documents – View, download, and forward all files (purchase contract, credit card authorization, appraiser invoice, appraisal, etc.) associated with the order. You can print hardcopies of the communication log to go along with the loan file for compliance purposes to prove that no undue appraiser influence occurred. You can also forward a copy of the appraisal report to the borrower.

  • Parties – Allows you to view, add, or remove users from the order.

  • Notes – Add order-specific notes to the order. Your administrator can see notes you add.

Order Features

  • Edit Details – Modify order details such as address, due date, loan number, and appraisal type. Appraisers are notified by email when a change is made to the order.

  • Send Message – Send a message to another party on the order such as an administrator, appraiser, or customer service.

  • Hold Order/Resume Order – Place the order on hold and limit functionality of all users working on it. Users can still send messages, but the report cannot be uploaded. Using this feature generates an email to the appropriate parties letting them know the status of the order.

  • Request Revisions – Available only on completed orders. If the report requires some adjustments (change lender name, adding another comp, etc.) and the value is not being disputed, use this feature to communicate to the appraiser what revisions the report needs.

  • ROV/Dispute – Only available on completed orders. This feature allows you to add additional comparable sales you would like the appraiser to consider and incorporates borrower-initiated Reconsideration of Value (ROV) requests. NOTE: borrower-initiated ROVs will never automatically go to the appraiser. The lender is expected to review the request to determine if corrections are warranted by the appraiser. 

  • Order 2nd Appraisal – Enables you to order a second appraisal on this property that will automatically be routed to a new appraiser. Use this feature when two appraisals are required for one property – such as an FHA flip. When selected, a New Order screen will appear with property information automatically populated.

  • Order Reinspection – Request for an appraiser’s reinspection of the property. This feature generates a new order that will be routed to the same appraiser assigned to the original order. When selected, a New Order screen will appear with property information automatically populated and the 1004D product selected.

  • Send to UCDP – Available on completed orders, choose this option to manually submit the uploaded appraisal report to UCDP. SSR outputs are available under the Documents tab once the report is successfully submitted to UCDP.

  • Send to FHA EAD – Available on completed FHA orders, choose this option to manually submit the uploaded FHA appraisal report to the EAD portal. An SSR output is available under the Documents tab once the report is successfully submitted to the FHA EAD portal.

  • Print – View the order form for the order to ensure accurate information and to print it off to include with the loan file.

  • Cancel Order – This cancels the appraisal order. Cancellation/Trip fees may apply. This feature is only available on orders that have no appraisal uploaded.

  • Print Communications Log – Quickly view, download, or print a copy of all communications associated with the order and include a copy with the loan file.

  • Send for Auto Review – When enabled by your account administrator, you can send the completed report through an automated review that analyzes, compiles, and rates data on the report. There is an additional fee applied to the order when using this feature.

  • Update Credit Card – If a credit card was used to place the order, you can change the credit card so that new charges will be made to the alternate card.

  • Change Price – Select this feature to increase the price of an order, respond to an appraiser’s price change request, or request a price decrease from the appraiser.

  • Invoice – Displays all costs involved in this appraisal order and to whom they should be remitted. This includes an itemized list of applicable technology transaction fees, appraisal fees, and billing service fees.