Appraisal Firewall technology maximizes your relationships with your appraisers and streamlines the entire appraisal process. The technology automates appraiser selection, service areas, qualifications, and payment, then routes orders and messages to your trusted local appraisers. Best of all, you spend less time placing orders and get completed appraisals faster.

Various industry regulations establish enforceable appraisal independence standards for all banks. Appraisal Firewall provides documentation and audit tracking so that you can prove to auditors that every appraisal was developed free from influence.

Basic Usage and Layout

Use the action links along the left-hand side of your account to perform specific actions in Appraisal Firewall: view all your existing Orders, create a New Order, view all unread messages using Messages, work with older orders in Archives, and use Reporting to help with billing and order management.

The Orders section contains all your appraisal orders. You can use the Pipeline and Post Delivery management tools to filter your search to specific order types. Click on an order within any list to open it and review the order information. When complete, you can access the appraisal PDF report from within an order.


Accessible by clicking the person icon at the upper left-hand side of your account, you can use the My Profile option to view and edit your account information, including address, phone numbers, and login credentials. You can also view your Company Profile information to see corporate contact information.

New Order

Click the New Order link along the left side to order an appraisal. The New Order screen contains four sections that collect loan, property, borrower, and payment information. Providing accurate property data helps the appraiser quickly identify pertinent order details. Orders that have been placed successfully will appear in your Order List and can be routed to an appraiser on your panel.

In the first section of the New Order screen, you can enter borrower information as well as add other users under your company that should have access to the order and will be sent order email notifications. When a green checkmark appears at the upper right of the section, all required information has been input, and you can move onto the next portion of the New Order screen to continue filling out order information.

Please refer to the managed users Messages article for more information. 

Please refer to the managed users Archives article for more information.

Please refer to the managed users Reporting article for more information. 

Pleaser refer to the managed users Working in an Order article for more information.