As the appraisers you requested bids from begin to respond, you will receive email notifications. Follow these instructions to assign an appraiser to the commercial order. Note - if you requested bids from multiple appraisers, it is recommended that you wait until all bids are back before choosing which appraiser to assign the order to.

1. Open the commercial appraiser order to review the bids. When you do, you will be taken to the Communications tab. Click the Review Bids button at right to view the details of each bid.

2. When the Review Bids tab opens, all the appraisers that you sent bid requests will be listed here. The appraisers that have the Accept button highlighted are those that have responded with bids. Here, you can review the cost and turn times, plus any other details you like, by clicking the arrow to expand the detail about each bid.

3. To accept the bid and assign an appraiser, click the Accept button for the bid you choose.

4. You will then be prompted to upload the Commercial appraisal engagement letter that you have on file. Once you do this, click the Accept button.

5. The winning appraiser will then need to accept the winning bid, and the other bidding appraisers will be notified that they were not selected.

6. If you have Conditional Acceptance enabled, once the appraiser that has been selected with the winning bid, the appraiser will have an option to accept the order with conditions. This can be advantageous as appraiser’s schedules fill, especially if there is a span of time from when the appraiser initially bid, versus when a bid is selected. Much like the residential side, you can restrict Conditional Acceptance to only be approved by the Administrator.

7. Should an appraiser enter conditions; you will need to approve or decline the conditions. Approving conditions updates the order accordingly. Declining the conditions will return the order to a bidding process where you can enter a new Bid Due By date. This will unassign the order from the appraiser that was initially awarded the order. You can then request new bids or accept another bid that was initially submitted.