Commercial orders can be placed by Managed Users (Originators/Supervisors) or by Administrators. Follow these instructions to place a commercial appraisal order.

1. Log into your account and click New Order along the left side of the screen. Depending on what products your organization has available, select Commercial from the New Order slide-out menu.

The Loan section of the new order page of the collects basic loan information. Fields with an asterisk are required and must be filled out prior to moving on. The next section will automatically open once the required fields have been filled out.

2. Next, complete the Property section. A green check mark will appear once the required fields have been filled out.

3. Fill out the Order section. Add any attachments here that you would like to pass on to the appraiser or group of appraisers that you will send this bid out to.

4. When you are ready, click the Order button.

The order will then be placed in a Requested status. The Administrator of the division the order was placed under will receive an email notification, informing them that a commercial order has been placed. The Administrator can then open the order and send bid requests to any of your eligible panel appraisers.

Should you have Auto-Bids enabled, the order will reflect a Bidding status. Every eligible commercial appraiser on your panel will receive an email notification, informing them that a commercial order has been placed.

When you have Allow Managed Users to Review Bids enabled, your originators and supervisors can review and accept the appropriate bid.