The Users tab contains tools to help you manage the other users in your office who have access to the system. As an account administrator, you can modify your users’ settings, create notes about the user, run reports, view orders on a per-user basis, and send mass emails to users in your office.

Users listed in the system are displayed next to different colored profile icons that represent the user type. Administrator users (green profile icon) have access to managing appraiser panels, assigning appraisers to orders, and managing account settings and orders. Supervisor users (blue profile icon) have access to view and work on all orders under their assigned division and cannot see appraiser information. Originator users (orange profile icon) can only access and work on orders that they have created or have been assigned to and cannot see appraiser information.

Click the Create User icon to give a new user access to the system. Click the Export icon to view a spreadsheet of your users and their basic account information. Click the Email button to send a mass email to users in your office.

Select the arrow next to a user to view and edit their specific account information. You can change a user’s rights, view their profile information, and access all their orders.

Profile Information

The Profile tab displays basic account information for the user such as user type and contact information. Click the Edit Profile button to modify the user’s contact information or reset their password. Use the Edit Settings button to modify the user’s account and restrict the features that are available to this individual user. Click Open Dashboard to view and work within that user’s orders.

Edit Settings

Within the Edit Settings tool, you can mark the user as read-only (users can view orders they are assigned to and be notified on order status but cannot send messages or work within the order), change the user type (administrator, supervisor, originator), and modify the features available to them.