In addition to an appraiser panel, you can have an AMC or a group of AMCs that appraisal orders can be assigned to. This is part of the flexibility of the system tailored to meet the needs of a modern appraisal industry: most lenders want to manage their own appraisal process and be able to route an order to an AMC to have the AMC manage it for them as needed.

You can utilize AMCs to provide out of area coverage when no appraisers are available on your panel. You can also provide an AMC panel for your users to choose from when placing orders. The AMC panel is helpful for fulfilling specific secondary marketing requirements of using a particular AMC for processing appraisals. We also offer the ability to use an AMC as a backup for automatic routing of out-of-area orders.

The AMC option is especially handy when you have investors that require certain AMCs to be used as part of their loan purchasing and investment programs.

AMCs can be used in a couple of ways:

1. They can either be used exclusively as a backup AMC to a division's appraiser panel, meaning that if you do not have coverage in an area where an appraisal order is placed, the order is automatically routed to the backup AMC who then services and completed the order. This assures that your orders are always assigned to an appraiser.

2. They can also be used right when placing an order. Instead of the appraisal order being routed to your panel of appraisers, the order is sent to an AMC at the time the order is placed. The user placing the order can select which AMC to use, as approved by the administrator. The AMC sends the order to one of their appraisers, handles the processing, completion, and review of the order, and then delivers is back to the system.

To work with AMCs, click the Manage AMCs button.

The AMC screen will then open. It presents you with an interactive coverage area map that you can drill into and lists any AMCs the division is setup with below the map. In this case, the division does not have any AMCs setup.

There are a number of AMCs that are already in the system that you can use. If you have no AMCs and would like to add one, click the All button at top right above the map to view a list and to add one, two, or many.

Note - if there is an AMC that you would like to specifically use in the system that is not available, contact our Customer Service department and we can get them added for you.

With the interactive map you can click on a state to view the AMCs that cover that state, or you can use the Regions filter to limit to the area that you are looking at.

To add an AMC to a division, look below the map at the AMCs available to you in the list. Then, click the green plus sign just to the left of an AMC, and when prompted, choose Approve to add the AMC to this division, or Cancel to back out of this screen.

You can also view details about any AMC by click the arrow at right.

On this screen you can view basic information about this AMC. Click through the rest of the sub-tabs here to view AMC settings, to apply your own coverage and routing criteria to this AMC per your company's requirements, to view AMC statistics in detail, and to add any notes that pertain to this AMC specifically for this division.

The gear tab takes you to the AMC Settings information. Here you can click any of the corresponding arrows at right to view:

  • Appraisal Types - the appraisal products the AMC offers.

  • Licenses - the license information the AMC carries.

  • W-9 - the tax form for the AMC that includes all their tax and business information. You can use this when you pay the AMC to send to the IRS.

  • Residential Coverage - the areas of the country that the AMC states they deliver residential appraisal services in. Note that you can limit or customize an AMC's coverage areas specifically for your company from the padlock/controlled rotation tab.

  • Commercial Coverage − the areas of the country that the AMC states they deliver commercial appraisal services in. Note that you can limit or customize an AMC's coverage areas specifically for your company from the padlock/controlled rotation tab.

The padlock tab takes you to the Controlled Rotation information. When you move to this tab, you can override any of the AMC's coverage areas or products that they have indicated that they cover.

This option gives you more control over how this division interacts with this AMC. For example, the AMC may say that they cover the entire country, but you may only need coverage in Illinois and Texas. Entering a Controlled Rotation lets you personalize the AMC offering specifically for your divisions.

  • Rotation – you can limit the number of orders an AMC can have at a given time in their queue.

o Set capacity to _ active orders – when you enter a number of active orders that an AMC can have in their queue, the AMC is then excluded from further assignments should the number exceed the active order amount. For example, if you set the capacity to 10 active orders, on the 11th order, the AMC would be excluded, and the order would route to the next eligible appraiser on your panel. Active orders are classified as any order that has not gone to done and excludes cancelled orders.

  • Coverage – you can restrict which Service Areas an AMC can receive work.

o Service Areas - you can add the coverage you want for the AMC, overriding the coverage settings the AMC has indicated that they offer. You can either import the AMC's settings then customize them to your liking; or you can start from scratch by indicating which counties and which states you want the AMC to cover. Then, when an appraisal order is placed, if it is within the coverage you have indicated, they will be eligible to receive the order; if it is outside of the coverage area indicated, the AMC will not be eligible to receive the order.

  • Products - you can select which products you want this division to be able to order from the AMC.

You can uncheck the Include All Products option and pick and choose which appraisal products the appraiser can be assigned, and which they cannot. For example, you may want the AMC to be able to receive a standard 1004, but you may want to exclude them from being able to do 2055's.

If you have a Controlled Rotation enabled, this tab will turn green, as shown here. The visual indicator provides you with more information faster.

The graph tab takes you to detailed statistics on this AMC's performance within the system.

Providing this statistical information can help you choose whether you want to include this AMC in your workflow within the system based on their performance numbers. Especially helpful from a compliance perspective is whether the company has any expired license or E&O information.

The Notes tab lets you view and enter information about this AMC.

Enter a note into the Notes field, then click the Add Note button. The information will be tracked and logged in the area below the Notes field where you can view it for quick reference with a date and time stamp as well as which user added the note.

An AMC can setup lender pricing per division via $ the tab. When you click on this icon, you will see if the AMC has fixed pricing entered. If the icon is green, this indicates there is fixed pricing entered. Expand the arrow to view the AMC per division fixed pricing that is listed.

The pricing will show per product. This can be advantageous so you know what the AMC’s fee will be prior to order placement.