You can manage users that are setup to login and place orders under this division from the

Manage Users button.

You will be directed to a list of users under this division. Note that a user can be setup under more than one division (Global users are available under every division for this lender). From this list you can view user first and last name, the type of the user that they are (Originator, Supervisor, or Administrator), and whether they are a Global user (as indicated by the globe icon that corresponds to a user at right).

Edit Profile

To work with a specific user, click the arrow at right to expand the user's details and to access the user action panel. 

Here you can view basic information about this user, including the Lender Name, the username, the user email address, and the street address where the user is located. You can also view password and login information, and some ordering trends and statistics for this user.

 Move to the Divisions tab to view the divisions the user is setup under.

Move to the Notes tab to add or read any notes that other Administrators may have left about this user.


Click the Edit Profile button to modify or change this user's information. From the Edit Profile tab, you can edit the user’s contact name, company address, email, etc. Additionally, you can reset a user’s password back to the default password via the Reset Back to Temporary Password button. The temporary password is the user’s email address.

Edit Settings

Click the Edit Settings button to view User Information, User Restrictions, and what features the user has access to Within an Order. To make changes to a user's settings, you will need to access the Users tab. 

The following explains what each setting means within the User Information section:

User Type – Change the type of account for the user, i.e., if the account is currently set to a Supervisor, you change the type to an Administrator

User Status – Should a user leave your organization; you can change the status from Active to Terminated. Terminated users no longer have access to the system. Once a user has been terminated, they cannot be reactivated.

You can view specific restrictions under the User Restrictions section.

Read Only - Users have access to Appraisal Firewall to view orders, track statuses, and view completed appraisals without being able to interact with, edit or modify any aspect of the system. Administrators, Supervisors, and Originators can all be made Read Only.

Restrict New Order – Hides the New Order button on the user’s dashboard. The user can still perform other work in the system, but the ability to place New Orders is no longer available.

Only Allow Canned Messages – Managed Users only have the ability to send canned messages on an order via the Send Message feature, as opposed to constructing their own messages in real-time. Canned messages can be useful if you want to narrow the scope of what your user can send to your appraiser’s and other lender users.

Bypass Billing Restrictions – Available only for Administrator users. Allows Administrators to select any payment type on the new order screen. Beneficial when the Require Credit Card, Bank Account, and eCheck Payment division setting is enabled.

By default, all the settings Within an Order will be enabled. Every box that is green will be an available feature on each order. Disabling a box or multiple boxes removes the feature for all orders, however this must be done through the Users tab.

Open Dashboard

You can view the details behind each user's activity in the system by clicking the Open Dashboard button. When you click Open Dashboard for a user, you are basically emulating that user: you get to see the system as if you had just logged in as that user. Use this feature to view all the user’s pre-delivery, post-delivery, and recently completed orders. Note: When expanding to view another user’s orders, all work you perform within an order is tracked in the Communication Log as yourself, to make it clear which user performed an action. 

Here is the user's main screen, as if they just logged in. You can tell that you are viewing a user's activity dashboard that is not your own from the "breadcrumbs” that are along the top of the main screen - outlined in red above. Use the breadcrumbs to back yourself out of this screen.