Quick Overview of the Setup Process

Adding new property classifications is a powerful customization tool that, when utilized, helps bring increased accuracy to your residential appraisal order, assignment, and delivery work. Custom property classifications will reduce the time spent reassigning orders and result in higher quality appraisals for any division that uses it.

Adding new property classifications is a 3-step process that involves adding the classifications to the division you want to set up, adding/updating your fixed pricing for the new classifications as needed, and then editing the division’s controlled appraisal rotation to make sure the appraisers that specialize in that type of property are considered in the order assignment process.

Adding New Property Classifications at the Division Level

Start adding new property classifications on a per-division basis.

1. Login as a lender administrator, click the Relationships menu option, and select the division you want to update. Then, click the arrow at left to expand the chosen division, and click Edit Settings.

2. On the Edit Settings view, find and expand the Property Classifications section.

3. Your current Property Classification list that is available on the New Order screen is shown. To modify the property classifications that appear on the New Order screen, un-select the Include All Products checkbox and then select the classifications you would like. Only the selected classifications will appear on the New Order screen. You can even add property classifications that are unique to your company by entering your classification in the Add Classification field and clicking Add. Your new property classification will appear at the bottom of the product list, however once saved, the property classifications will be listed alphabetically.

4. Your new property classification will appear at the bottom of the product list, however once saved, the property classifications will be listed alphabetically.

5. You can add as many property classifications as you like. To make them available on the order screen for users under this division, make sure either the Include All Classifications checkbox is checked, or the corresponding checkbox next to the newly added classification is checked. 

Conversely, you can remove classifications that don’t pertain to a particular division or your organization by deselecting the checkbox per classification. For example, if a division does not deal with Manufactured homes, you can uncheck the Manufactured classification from appearing to your users when placing new orders. Be sure to Save any changes.