Most lenders have separate divisions, branches, and/or departments for different processes or product lines: commercial lending and residential lending; home equity, refinance and purchase loans; processing of loans in different locations or branches, etc. Appraisal Firewall helps you setup the system to mirror your internal processes, so your appraisal process works like you do.
Working with divisions gives you maximum control over managing your appraisal process.
Main Lender Office
Important things to know about Divisions:
1. A main lender company exists to oversee any division or divisions that are setup.
2. A division is a representation of a branch, department, product segment, and/or oversight process that is part of the lenders' organizational structure.
3. Lenders can setup as many divisions as they need.
4. Lenders can setup divisions anytime they need.
5. A division is intended to contain personnel in the office that work for that division or department. They can login and place appraisal orders for that division.
6. Each individual division contains its own appraiser panel.
7. Overall, divisions are a way to better segment and manage your appraisal orders and your appraisal process.
It starts with the Divisions tab, which is available to Administrator users from the Relationships menu.