If you ever need to change the company or division name, or update an address or phone of the division, click the Edit Division button.

The fields will be shown to you in an 'edit mode.' 

Here, you can also change the main contact’s name for a division, add an email address (this email is only used as a placeholder and does not receive any auto-email notifications), or set a division to Hold, Inactive, or Terminated.

  • Hold - when you set a division to Hold, users under this division will no longer be able to place new orders. They can still login to the system, they can still work on older orders, and they can still work in the system. Hold restricts any user from being able to place a new order until that division is put back into an Active status. 

  • Inactive – when you set a division to Inactive, users under this division will no longer be able to place new orders. They can still login to the system, they can still work on older orders, and they can still work in the system. Inactive restricts any user from being able to place a new order until that division is put back into an Active status.  

  • Terminatedwhen you set a division to Terminated, users under this division will no longer be able to place new orders. They can still login to the system, they can still work on older orders, and they can still work in the system. Users that are setup under other divisions will still be able to login and access the system. Terminated divisions become ineligible to be set back to Active.

For changes or edits to be retained, select the SAVE button at the bottom. Upon saving, you will be directed back to your list of Divisions.