To add a new division to your lender company, move to the Relationships screen, view the

Divisions tab and click the Create Division button.


You can then enter the information for the new division that you are adding into the system.

  • Division Name - give this division a name. For example, if this division handles commercial appraisals, you might enter "Commercial Division."

  • Address - enter the street address for this division.

  • Company Name - this is the name that will be sent to the appraiser and will appear on the completed appraisal. Enter the company name that you want to appear on the completed and delivered appraisal.

  • City/State/Zip - enter the city, state, and zip code where this division is located.

  • Phone Number - add the phone number for this division.

  • Copy Settings From: - if you have other divisions in the system, you can use this option to apply system settings[1] from another division to this new division. This is a time-saving feature to alleviate the work needed to apply all the settings you wish this division to operate with. Usually this is recommended if the settings for this new division will be the same or close to an existing division. Note - you can always modify settings per division at any time. Learn more about his feature HERE

Make sure that you complete all the data entry fields on this screen. When you have filled the division information properly, the green Add Division button will become available. Click this button to add this division to your company in the system.

[1] System settings are features that you can apply to a particular division t have it work in a certain way, such as Automated Reviews, requiring credit card payments on all orders, restricting messaging, etc.